Preliminary study of projects

The successful development of production, commerce or dwelling projects is directly connected with obtaining detailed information at the beginning of the project.
To achieve the goals of your business plan we offer services of a preliminary study of the project. We will perform all actions necessary to compose a business plan - evaluation of the land property, detection of main constructions, drafting design and construction budget, setting up a project time schedule.
A preliminary project study includes a technical survey of your real estate to make sure that premises or land property is suitable for the development of the chosen business idea. We are carrying out all necessary inspections and investigations such as:
- geotechnical survey
- environmental impact assessment
- obtaining and analyzing of data in archives
- communication with municipality and state authorities
- consultation with technologists and other specialists
We are working not only with a preliminary study of large production premises and sites, but also with hotels, spa and other public spaces. When entrusting Altcon preliminary study of your project, you can be sure that risks connected with construction are timely identified and the foundation of your business idea is strong and stable.