Creation of design brief

We offer new services in the development of design brief so that the Client receives high-quality construction design project.
An experience of Ltd. “Altcon” shows that construction design projects lack Customer wishes and profitable solutions for him. It causes a lot of inconvenience for the Client over design, building and building exploitation processes. At the enormous diversity of solutions nowadays the design brief that consists of two A4 pages does not work in favor of the customer. This document becomes very important at a time when the designer is going to be picked by tender, choosing the cheapest applicant.
We offer to create design briefs of various detail levels and complexity and control of their fulfillment. Our team consists of experienced design and construction engineers who work together with the Client can not only develop the best design brief for each particular project but also, in the time of design or in the process of project expertise, can check if the design brief is carried out properly.
In off-site seminars or in training in our office we will introduce you to the design brief creation methods. In examples, we will describe why an accurate design brief is in favor of the Client, what problems it can solve in the design process and what nuances affect the development of a design brief according to our experience.
We can describe the quality demands of construction works in the design brief with the purpose to make sure the author of the construction design project has it clear what quality the Client wants to receive in the project. The desired final result often affects the solutions made for construction design projects. For the expanded design brief we determinate not only the construction work tolerances (for example, the tolerance of surface in the horizontal and vertical plane) but also describes the methods of construction work (technology, compliance to good practice and standards), construction and system verification methods, describe acceptance procedure of materials, the procedure of defect detection, the procedure of handing over and other important processes for the Client.