Design process management

To ensure a successful construction process, it is important to have qualitative information circulation and good communication between parties involved.
Clients often have to deal with constructing only once in their lives, but a professional project manager goes through the design and construction process uncountable times that enable him to foresee and avoid problems and risks before they are affecting the project.
Ltd. "ALTCON" has successful experience in the coordination of the project design process. Design management is important because the Client has to be informed about actual design work progress, problems and possible solutions, technical questions. Professional design project management reduces risks of held backs in the design process, in addition, a specialist that has experience can help to solve many problems during the design phase, which will ease the construction process afterward.
Not always during the construction works author supervision team is motivated to take an active part in the process. Ltd. "ALTCON" can lead and coordinate a team of author supervisors in order to achieve their full involvement in the project during the construction phase and in the warranty period.